Sunday 12 July 2015


Green BinBlack Bin

The BIN-SWAP SCHEME announced by Tameside Council means that the smaller green bin will now be used for general waste; whilst the larger black bin will be used for recyclable materials. 

Though households of six or more will automatically be given an extra green bin; families who complain that the green bin is not big enough for their general rubbish can expect to be means-tested by filling out a two-week waste diary. Waste collections will remain fortnightly - for the present time!

A council insider described the bin-swap scheme as the same -if not worse - as reducing collection frequency and was also quoted in the Manchester Weekly News as saying:

"People aren't stupid. If you give them a smaller bin, it doesn't solve the issue."

However, what the bin-swap will certainly do is give Tameside Council yet another opportunity to raise more money - through the issue of fines to those DEEMED TO BE failing to use their bins properly!

Perhaps we should also remember how - over many years - black bins have been used for all sorts of general waste and now they are to be used for recycling - imagine all those recycled products that will now originate from contaminated bins? 

Summer is a good time for local politicians to announce anything controversial - and timing is everything! The Local Elections are over and the councillors are re-elected just a few weeks before the latest "tough decision" is made. Any outcry or concerns expressed by any members of the public regarding the bin-swap can be put on ice and side-lined; whilst many councillors and senior council staff will usually be going on holiday at this time of year -  and so become temporarily unavailable.

If a week is a long time in politics, then it is surely an eternity between July 2015 and the next local elections in May 2016? That will be plenty of time for any public tempers to calm down, time for the bin-swap decision to become accepted - and time for other issues raised by the politicians to become much more important. 

Whatever we may think, politicians are certainly not daft and they can usually judge the public mood very well - perhaps that is why not one councillor from the ruling Labour Party has lost an election in recent years, despite the closure of libraries, public toilets and children's centres or even after raising the council tax? 

Carl Simmons
Denton South Independent
Sunday 12th July 2015

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